February 15th
He Humbled Himself
Philippians 2:8
And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
There is some variation in what people think humility is. The general thinking is that if a person thinks too highly of themselves, then they are proud and arrogant, and lacking in humility. That is true in one sense, but it doesn't capture the Biblical meaning of humility.
Biblical humility is simply submitting ourselves to obey God, and doing the things He asks of us to, which, of course, involves finding out what He desires of us and then doing it.
Christ humbled Himself, He laid aside His own glory and power, His own majesty, and through obedience became a man.
And then in the form of a man He humbled Himself again to become obedient to the will of the Father and died the death of the cross. He is our perfect example of humility, which is the obedience to set aside our own goodness and do the Father's will.
Humility is simply obeying God. Let's find out what He desires of us today and be quick to humble ourselves and obey.