September 29th
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
John 14:1
Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
A Troubled Heart
Jesus was speaking to His disciples, as he prepared to return to heaven to the Father. And their hearts were troubled about it. They knew something was up, but were not sure what it was, or how things would turn out.
Uncertainty is often the cause of a troubled heart in our own lives, causing questions to rise in us. What’s going to happen? How are things going to turn out? Is everything going to be okay?
Trusting the LORD
Jesus told His disciples to let not their hearts be troubled, but rather to believe in Him with a heart of trust. And that’s what He also tells us, as His followers.
Is that easy to do? Is it easy to trust God? No, not necessarily. In fact, trusting the LORD in troubling situations can be very tough. But, our options are either to live with a troubled and fearful heart, or to give it over to Him in trust.
Cast Your Cares
The Bible tells us to cast our cares on Him, because He cares for us. To trust Him means that we must believe that He truly does care for us, as the Bible promises, and that He is watching over us, to protect us and to help us.
Believe also in Me
Take the leap of trust today, and give your concerns and worries over to Him in prayer. Let His peace come in and calm your troubled heart.