September 27th
My Glory and My Shield
Psalm 3:2
Many there be which say of my soul, There is no help for him in God. Selah.
Psalm 3:3
But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.
The word “selah” is placed at the end of verse 2, which is a musical term meaning to pause and give time for reflection about what was just spoken.
This is a Psalm of King David, written when he fled for his life from his son, Absalom. He is giving time to pause and reflect on the fact that many were saying that there was no help for him in God. In other words, take time to think about the dire and seemingly hopeless situation he was in, before going to the next verse. By doing so, the following verse is given greater strength and meaning.
But You, LORD
The next verse counters the notion by starting with the word “But.” But You, LORD are a shield for me. David certainly needed a shield in that moment of his life. He was saying that, regardless of what people are saying about the situation, that You, LORD, are my shield of protection, and You will lift me up and save me.
God is Merciful
People are often quick to write someone off as a hopeless case, so hopeless that God Himself would not have mercy on them and help them. But, fortunately, God rarely writes people off. He is full of mercy, and wants to pick us up and help us get back on track, back into His purposes for us.
Take hope today in the mercy of the LORD, to deliver you from whatever you are going through. He is a shield to all who call upon Him with a sincere heart.