September 24th
Look to the Hills
Psalm 121:1-2
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.
Lift Your Eyes
It seems that much of our life is spent looking at those things that are in front of us, the problems and situations that present themselves to us each day. And those things can be somewhat demanding of our attention. There’s no question about it.
But the Psalmist in this verse from Psalm 121 says that he will lift up his eyes unto the hills. Why? Because that’s where his help is going to come from. From the mountains? No. From the LORD, Who made heaven and earth.
The point here is that we must learn to take our minds off the problems and situations, and direct our attention toward the LORD. If we are giving all our focus to the problem, we are not extending our trust toward Him.
How Do We Set Our Gaze Toward Him?
One of the absolute best ways to focus our hearts on the LORD is through the giving of thanks. The Bible talks much about the subject of praise and thanksgiving. There is more going on than the problems we are facing. There is much to give Him thanks for, and to take our minds off the things that we are worrying about.
Thanksgiving is Prayer
The giving of thanks is one of the most powerful forms of prayer. It draws us toward God, and it draws Him toward us. The Bible says to draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. And He is the One Who has the answer for our situation.
Draw Near to Him
Spend some time giving Him thanks today for all He has blessed you with. Let your heart be lifted up in appreciation for all He has done. Move up to a higher place. And, as you do so, you will open the door for Him to do even greater things in your life.