December 9th
Seek Those Things That are Above
Colossians 3:1
If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
Raised Up with Him
The Bible tells us, in Ephesians chapter 2, that, as Christ was raised from the dead, we also have been raised up from spiritual death in trespasses and sins. It declares that we have been raised up with Christ and have been made to sit together with Him in the heavenly places.
Seated with Him
There is so much to think about concerning Scriptures like that. We, according to the Bible, are seated with Him, in His throne, where He is seated. We are not Christ, but the Bible tells us that we are the Body of Christ, even as He is the head. We are His body. And He has given us His name, or, that is, the authority of His name, to use in the earth against the same enemies that He stood against in His earthly ministry. That’s a lot to think about.
Why Seek Those Things?
This verse in Colossians says that, if we are indeed risen with Christ, from death in trespass and sin, into the new life of Christ, then we should seek those things that are above, where Christ sits at God’s right hand. Why should we seek those things? Because that is where we ourselves are, in the spiritual sense. We are seated with Him.
The New Man in Christ
It is our spirit man who was born again, in the new birth in Christ. It is our spirit man, or what the Bible calls the new man, who is seated with Christ. It is the new man, our spirit man, who grows in the things of God.
How Do We Grow?
Peter exhorted believers to come, as newborn babies, and to desire the sincere milk of the word, that they might grow thereby. In other words, it is the word of God that causes our newborn spirit to grow. The word of God is food for the new man, what Paul refers to as the inward man. What do we grow in? We grow in the knowledge of God, not merely knowing about God, but having knowledge revealed to our spirit by the Holy Spirt, Whom Jesus sent to guide us into all the truth.
Seek those things today that are above. They are found in the word of God, and they are discovered through meditation, and pondering of His word. As we spend time feeding upon His word daily, we will come alive to truth that, according to Jesus, will make us free.